02_4 weeks in india
03_nur überwacht
08_KI vs. Kreativität
09_die Nation
10_ufem hüsli

I hope you enjoy watching some of my work :) English subtitles can be turned on directly in Youtube. Under «Further work» you will find smaller projects. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. 

«Only surveiled»
Social Video / BA Cast/Audiovisual Media / June 2022


Subject: We are being watched!

Dear SRF Team

Did you know how many surveillance cameras are watching us Zurich residents around the clock? I am convinced that it is no longer possible not to be filmed in public spaces. To find out if my theory is correct, I am planning a self-experiment: Will I manage to avoid all the surveillance cameras on my way to university?

Maybe this could make an interesting «10vor10» feature.

Kind regards

Jonas Baumgartner
Sociology student UZH»

Only surveiled» was created in collaboration with Miranda Winter during the "Social Video" module in the 2nd semester. The focus was the conception and production of a journalistic investigative video and its distribution in social media. The topic had to be socially relevant.


Ich heisse Justus Briese und bin ein Schweizer Designer aus dem Raum Zürich. Am liebsten filme, animiere oder fotografiere ich. Momentan absolviere ich an der Zürcher Hochschule der Künste meinen Bachelor in Cast / Audiovisual Media.